1. Your good health is your responsibility - no one else's.
2. Illness - (dis-ease) - is not necessary. It is usually caused by neglect - eg. Poor utrition, insufficient drinking water, stress, not enough rest, drinking alcohol to excess, drugs, smoking etc.
3. Your work does not cause STRESS… Stress is your reaction to the conditions prevailing. You can either react in a stressful way or not. That is your choice.
4. Your state of health is a measure of your life time of standards
5. Your body may succumb to illness quickly or it may take years
6. In general terms? a body in good health is one that has a high active oxygen content, a good balance of minerals, a sound skin structure, an efficient immune system
7. A well oxygenated body is a difficult fortress to assail - in other words - if the body is well oxygenated, and fully and correctly fed then disease is an unlikely result
8. Your water, your food, your air is polluted to some extent.
9. It is becoming difficult to obtain sufficient oxygen, minerals or vitamins without supplementation.
10. Keep your allopathic medicines to a minimum by keeping yourself in good health in the first place.

The quality of our natural, clean environment is rapidly diminishing. The air, water, and food we consume contain toxic elements. In the United States, between 4,000 and 20,000 cases of cancer are caused each year by pesticide residues in food in amounts considered allowable by the government.
Our cities are becoming polluted with toxic chemicals and smothered with smog. Government reports show our drinking water is becoming contaminated with toxic chemicals, antidepressants and sex hormones, and other discarded medications. In addition, the water is treated with dangerous chemicals such as chlorine and fluorine.
Even many of the foods in our grocery stores have been grown with toxic pesticides and fertilizers to protect and enhance growth. Other foods are mixed with food additives to help manufacturers save money and extend the shelf life.
All these harmful chemicals are taken into the body. The burden of removing these harmful poisons and toxins from our bodies is the responsibility of the liver. If the liver is not able to cope with the often overwhelming task these toxins present and detoxify rapidly, other organs may begin to manifest damage in a variety of degenerative diseases, including heart disease, stroke, liver disease, diabetes, brain degeneration, and premature aging.
The liver is the largest internal organ in the body; its function is similar to a sewage plant within the body system, collecting and neutralizing powerful foreign toxins as they appear. The liver also acts as a blood filter, removing harmful substances in the blood and digestive system. Eventually, the liver neutralizes these poisons and removes them via/by way of urine, feces and sweat. This natural process of detoxification is working continuously.

Unfortunately, the liver has a limited capacity for detoxification and can be overwhelmed. The American Liver Foundation found that over 25 million Americans have liver problems and approximately 20,300 Americans die each year from chronic liver disease and cirrhosis. Liver damage is a silent health killer, however, in most situations, it can be corrected if the condition has been diagnosed and treated early.

An overwhelmed liver may flood the body with toxic chemicals that can damage our other organs. This may cause the body to go into a "toxic shock". Our entire physical well-being and longevity are tied to the health of the liver. The liver and body cells know how to heal themselves. Yet this healing process needs the help of antioxidants and herbs which aid detoxification.
There is another type of toxin in our bodies that is created naturally during our bodies’ energy production. This toxin is called "free radicals." Free radicals are the root cause of oxidation which may ultimately cause diseases and premature aging if not they are not properly addressed. Free radicals are molecules that are missing an electron and search our bodies for one to "steal." Free radicals attack and ultimately damage our fundamental cellular molecules including DNA and may eventually damage the whole body.
Propolis Platinum

Propolis Platinum adalah propolis cair tanpa kandungan alcohol yang di kenal luas sebagai propolis hijau terbaik yang dihasilkan di dunia. Propolis Platinum dikumpulkan oleh lebah-lebah dari hutan hujan tropis Brasil yang belum tercemar. Propolis adalah produk dammar alami sarang lebah yang dihasilkan oleh lebah-lebah untuk meningkatkan system kekebalan tubuhnya. Oleh sebab itu Propolis Platinum memainkan peranan penting dalam menjaga kesehatan kita.

Propolis Platinum kaya akan kandungan bioflavonoid, Bioflavonoid bekerja merangsang sel-sel membrane, mengaktifkan sel-sel dan membantu melawan bakteri dan virus serta meningkatkan system kekebalan tubuh. Propolis dianggap sebagai antibiotik alami oleh para ilmuwan saat ini. Flavonoid-flavonoid Propolis Platinum adalah kombinasi tumbuh-tumbuhan yang memiliki aktivitas antijamur, antibakteri, antivirus, antioksidan, dan antiradang kualitas tinggi.

Manfaat utama terapi dengan menggunakan propolis

1. Aktivitas antibakteri

Propolis terkenal karena memiliki kualitas dan aktivitas antibiotic alami yang tinggi.
Propolis dapat dengan efektif menghambat pertumbuhan bakteri jahat, jamur, dan virus.
Berdasarkan penelitian yang dilakukan oleh para ahli kesehatan, mereka menyetujui
bahwa propolis cukup kuat dalam menghambat pertumbuhan mikroorganisme yang

2. Aktivitas antivirus

Para ahli kesehatan menemukan bahwa propolis efektif menghentikan aktivitas virus pada kelenjar ludah, termasuk virus tipe A dan tipe B yang menyebabkan Flu, Corona virus dan jenis-jenis virus lainnya.

3. Aktivitas anti jamur

Ekstrak propolis dapat menghambat pertumbuhan 17 jenis jamur pada kulit. Pada saat digunakan bersama-sama dengan obat-obatan anti jamur, ia memiliki efek anti jamur yang lebih baik.

4. Aktivitas sitotoksik

Propolis memiliki aktivitas sitotoksik yang sangat besar terhadap sel kanker termasuk sel kanker pada hidung, rahim, payudara, ginjal, usus besar dan lain-lain. Aktivitas propolis yang utama adalah propolis secara selektif membunuh sel yang tidak normal dan tidak akan menyebabkan efek toksin terhadap pertumbuhan sel normal.

5. Antioksidan

Kandungan flavonoid dalam propolis memiliki kekuatan antioksidan dan sudah terbukti dapat melawan radikal bebas serta melindungi lemak dan komponen-komponen lain seperti vitamin C dari kerusakan dan proses oksidasi. Dan kemungkinan yang lain Propolis memberikan efek sebagai anti penuaan dan mencegah kerusakan sel.
6. Mengaktifkan enzim dan anti-inflamasi
Propolis terbukti merangsang berbagai macam enzim, metabolisme sel, sirkulasi dan pembentukan kalogen, serta mempercepat proses penyembuhan pada luka bakar.

Petunjuk Pemakaian

- Dewasa : 2 x 4 – 5 tetes /hari sebelum makan dilarutkan dalam 250 ml air
- Anak-anak : 2 x 2 – 3 tetes/hari sebelum makan dilarutkan dalam 250 ml air

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1. Your good health is your responsibility - no one else's.

2. Illness - (dis-ease) - is not necessary. It is usually caused by neglect - eg. Poor nutrition, insufficient drinking water, stress, not enough rest, drinking alcohol to excess, drugs, smoking etc.

3. Your work does not cause STRESS… Stress is your reaction to the conditions prevailing. You can either react in a stressful way or not. That is your choice.

4. Your state of health is a measure of your life time of standards

5. Your body may succumb to illness quickly or it may take years

6. In general terms? a body in good health is one that has a high active oxygen content, a good balance of minerals, a sound skin structure, an efficient immune system

7. A well oxygenated body is a difficult fortress to assail - in other words - if the body is well oxygenated, and fully and correctly fed then disease is an unlikely result

8. Your water, your food, your air is polluted to some extent.

9. It is becoming difficult to obtain sufficient oxygen, minerals or vitamins without supplementation.

10. Keep your allopathic medicines to a minimum by keeping yourself in good health in the first place.


The main causes of ill health are nutritional, lifestyle or environment related.

The Journal of the National Academy for Child Development claims that...”Today's diets for the majority of our children have many shortcomings. Maybe that is an understatement and we should say their diets are grossly inadequate. They are not eating their fruits and vegetables. For those who are, many of the fruits and vegetables they eat are missing the essential micronutrients our children need for optimal health”.
Why are the essential micronutrients missing from most of our fruits and vegetables?

Harvesting of the produce GREEN to cope with long distance transport to cities is the main reason for micronutrient deficiency in our food.
The biological signal for food to produce the micronutrient molecules occurs at maturity of the fruit, vegetable or seed. When fruits and vegetables are picked green, it is before the micronutrient molecules are present.

Have you ever noticed how much sweeter fruit is when it is picked ripe from the tree or vine. 7 Reasons why you should eat the Ultimate Health Whole Food Supplement

1. It is the body's natural fuel … Food only

2. It contains a much wider variety of food sources than your present diet can ever provide - over 130 wholefood ingredients...

3. It is a synergised, balanced formula

4. According to Chinese Medicine custom and the manufacturer the CHI (or energy) of each ingredient nourishes specific organs or systems of the body which may be missing in western diets

5. It is ECONOMICAL – contains vitamins, minerals and herbs you may currently be using as single supplements

6. It is safe – grown in unpolluted soil and water with no pesticides or herbicides as measured by the University of Western Sydney.

7. It may build a body capable of growth and repair ensuring vitality into productive old age. However as food it makes no claim to curing any illness or disease.

Hippocrates said over 2000 years ago... “Let your food be your medicine and your medicine be your food...”

However, your body cannot rely on a single or even just several simple foodstuffs to sustain life. The various body parts; cells and tissue, bones and organs require different nutrients to maintain normal metabolism. In order to maintain physical and mental health, it is important to eat a wide variety of complete and balanced nutrients. Most of us don't have or can't make the time to prepare wholesome meals from fresh organic ingredients.

Ultimate Health Food for Thought Complete Nutrition Powder will bridge the gap…Over 130 Chinese and Western dried plants and vegetables have been combined in a convenient, fast, effective and simple way to supply you with a complete and balanced nutritional food supplement. Each
ingredient has been carefully selected to synergise with the others so that the seemingly tiny amounts provide maximum nutritional effect.

A daily 5 gram serving ( 1 heaped teaspoon) is the equivalent of about 50 grams of fresh produce. The taking of single products (eg. Calcium, Iron, Vitamin B etc) can cause nutrient deficiency so should only be taken as a treatment when the body is out of balance and then under the supervision of a therapist. To prevent ill health you should take as wide and varied a range of food nutrients as possible.

...Your cells demand it...

We can put a man into space, but can we feed ourselves properly?

Many foods today are lacking in sufficient nutrients. Chemical over farming, pollution, overcooked and highly processed food which contain preservatives and artificial colours further deplete nutrients.
In addition, the overuse of antibiotic drugs, fast foods, soft drinks, contribute to the decline in immune systems and accumulation of toxins in the body which may lead to the degeneration of organs, such as liver, kidney, heart, lung, spleen. Such degeneration results in the body becoming more susceptible to diseases such as high blood pressure, diabetes, stroke, heart and kidney diseases, asthma, cancer, infections and allergies.

We can easily become overfed and undernourished.
The famous Chinese doctor Sun Si Miao said "try food as a cure first, then try medicine". Wise words indeed! Western medicine is based on treating disease. The result is a huge Medicare budget creating wastage of public resources and increasing the burden on taxes. Apart from the economic issue, the nation cannot afford the decline in the health of it's population, but priority is still given to cure rather than prevention.

Allergic reactions and side effects to drugs and foodstuffs are becoming rampant in western societies creating a great need for balanced, natural food supplements. The search for the right natural and balanced supplement can be a minefield of misinformation and confusion when confronted by the array of products available.